As part of its ongoing support for young researchers, the RLS-Energy Network invited its members to encourage young researchers from their networks to apply to the Young Energy Researchers’ Conference at the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) in Wels, Upper Austria. 19 young RLS-Energy Network researchers from RLS regions Bavaria, Québec, São Paulo and Upper Austria successfully applied to showcase their work either as an oral or poster presentation.
At the invitation of the WSED organizers, the Upper Austrian Energy Agency, young researchers from the RLS regions met with representatives of the Upper Austrian government, RLS-Sciences, and the Upper Austrian Energy Agency. The young researchers were able to hear about the Regional Leaders Summit, RLS-Sciences, and the Energy Network, and exchanged their thoughts on the concept of a smart energy transition.
“Best Young Energy Efficiency Researcher Award” goes to Québec
There are also two awards given at the Young Energy Researchers’ Conference: one for energy efficiency research and one for biomass research.
Noémie Chagnon-Lessard from Université Laval in Québec, won the „Best Young Energy Efficiency Researcher Award“. Congratulations!